Oh, how am I going to indulge in my dirtiest pleasure. *ha* This shit don't harm no-one and people treat me like I am Osama Bin Laden. Oh wait shit he dead. -some guy Who is the most persecuted man on earth now? well... uh... Ok, the most famous... wanted... by... the United States... Huh... Robert... william fisher? Okay, then it's like... This shit don't harm no-one and people treat me like I am Robert William Fisher. Oh wait shit he not famous or funny-looking. -some other guy Now that I feel justified to post stupid shit, I will continue to do so. In the laziest way possible. While I fall asleep. I will talk to my computer, record all the stupid shit I say while high on las marijuanas , a literal plant that grows on my shitty garden, and by garden I mean pot, and by pot I mean a literal piece of dirt where I also grow my sabila, also know as Aloe barbadensis . So much for the war on drugs. [Link here]